Sunday, September 9, 2018

Create a Nested Multi-Select Field


  • User created two custom fields
  • Second field is a multi select field and values are dependent on the value selected in first custom field

To create the custom fields, perform the following steps:

Part One: Create the two custom list fields.

     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsLists > New.
     2. Provide a Name (e.g Commodity).
     3. In the Values tab, enter the value to appear in the list (e.g. Fruits, Meats).
     4. Click Save.
     5. Edit the custom list created.
     6. Check Convert to Custom Record.
     7. Click Save.
Follow the same steps to create the second custom list (see sample below).



Part Two: Create the relationship between the 2 lists.

     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types.
     2. Edit the first custom field converted as record type (in the example, Commodity).
     3. In the Fields tab, click New Field.
     4. In the New Custom Record field window, set the following:

  • Label : Provide a Label (e.g. Commodity Type)
  • Type: Multiple Select
  • List/Record: Commodity Type (custom list record 2)

     5. Click Save.
     6. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types.
     7. Edit the second custom list converted as custom record (in the example, Commodity Type).
     8. In the Fields tab, click New Field.
     9. In the New Custom Record field window, set the following:

  • Label : Provide a Label (e.g. Commodity Restriction)
  • Type: List/Record
  • List/Record: Commodity (custom list record 1)

     10. Click Save.


Part Three: Update the data relationships of the fields by editing the list of the custom records.

     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types.
     2. Click the List link for custom list record 1 (in the example, Commodity).
     3. In the Commodity list window, Edit each line and select appropriate values in the multi select field (see sample below).
     4. Click Save.



     5. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsRecord Types.
     6. Click the List link for custom list record 2 (in the example, Commodity Type).
     7. In the Commodity Type list window, click Edit each line and select appropriate restriction to which it should belong.

     8. Click Save.

Do the same for all the types in the list (see sample below). 



Part Four: Make the fields appear on the transaction forms or entity records/forms.

     1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsTransaction Body Fields > New.
     2. Set the following fields for custom field 1:

  • Label: Provide a Label (e.g. Commodity)
  • Type: List/Record
  • List/Record: Commodity
  • Applies To tab: Select where to Apply (e.g. Sale)
  • Display tab: Select Subtab (e.g. Main)

     3. Click Save and New.
     4. Set the following fields for custom field 2:

  • Label:  Provide a Label (e.g. Commodity Type)
  • Type: Multiple Select
  • List/Record: Commodity Type
  • Applies To tab: Select where to Apply (e.g. Sale)
  • Display tab: Select Subtab (e.g. Main)
  • Sourcing and Filtering tab:
  • Source Lists: Commodity
  • Source Filter By: Commodity Restriction
  • Filter Using: Commodity Restriction
  • Compare Type: equal
  • Value Is: Fruits, Meats

     5. Click Save.





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