Monday, September 10, 2018

Correct Last Reconciled Balance for the Current Month's Bank Reconciliation When It is not Equal to Last Reconciliation's Ending Statement Balance


To correct Last Reconciled Balance for the current month's bank reconciliation when it is not equal to last reconciliation's Ending Statement Balance, consider that there may be some reconciliation saved between the current and previous month. To check, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Reconciliation

2. Click on the drop-down arrow for the Statement Date filter at the bottom of the report to list the statement dates of reconciliations done in NetSuite.


1. Navigate to Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Bank Statement > History > Leave page

2. Filter From field in filter region on an earlier period (i.e. start of the fiscal year)

3. If there is a statement date between the current and previous month, take note of the Statement date(s) and perform the following:

•Check if reconciliation saved between the current and previous month is a valid reconciliation

•Upon confirmation that it is not a valid reconciliation then proceed to step 4.

Note: The Last Reconciled Balance is sourced from the Ending Statement Balance of the latest saved reconciliation in the system.

4. Navigate to Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Bank Statement.

5. Change the Statement Date field to the statement date in step 3.

6. Click Delete.

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