Sunday, September 16, 2018

Change the PageTitile of an Online Form that Appears on Web Page

The Title used on the online form, automaticaly appears as the Page Title on Web Page

User wants to have a different Page Title and Header Title.

This can be accomplished using a custom HTML Template. To create the template, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Setup > Marketing > Online Customer Forms > New.
     2. Select Custom HTML Template.
     3. Provide a Title.
     4. In the Template field, click the New Icon (+)
     5. In the New Online Form Template window, provide a Name for the template.
     6. In the Template tab, provide a Title.
     7. In the Template tab, select Text Editor.
     8. Use the sample code below:

Browser's Title
Page Header
Company Name <NLCOMPANYNAME> </p>
First Name<NLFIRSTNAME><br></p>
Last Name<NLLASTNAME><br></p>
<INPUT type=submit value="Submit">
<INPUT type=reset value="Reset"></P>

     9. Click Save.
    10. In the Online Customer Form window, add the following in the Select Fields tab:

  • Company Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email

     11. For the Company Name field, check the Mandatory field.
     12. Click Save.
     13. To test the form, click the External tab.
     14. Click the Publishable Form URL to access the form.
Optional: Leave the value between the <HEAD></HEAD> blank to not display the title.



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