Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Bank accounts are not showing on the Reconciliation History page


The Bank accounts are not showing on the Reconciliation History page.


1. Check the date range filter on the Reconciliation History

2. Amount is entered on the Ending Statement Balance

3.  Check all the past reconciliations for an account:


a) Navigate to Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Reconciliation.  

b) Navigate to Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Bank Statement page and manually type the Statement Date


Once History button is clicked, it will only show transactions where the Ending Balance for a specific reconciliation date has an amount.

Note: The date does not appear on the history when the Reconcile This Statement field shows a 0 amount. Even if the Ending Statement Balance is 0 if the Reconciled This Statement field have an amount other than 0, the date appears on the History.







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