Friday, September 7, 2018

Available Filters as a Type-In field instead of a Drop-down Menu on Search Footer

Some fields can work as interactive searches. Most of them are the ID fields on records and transactions. Examples are Number/ID, Item ID, PO/Check ID. Add these fields as available filters then show in footer. As a result, users can type in the first few letters on the footer of what they are searching and the results will show all transactions that starts with the criteria they entered.


Ex. Sales Order Transaction Search: Customer wants to be able to type the Sales Order Number on the footer instead of selecting from a drop down list.

1.       Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction

2.       Criteria

a.       Type = Sales Order

3.       Results

a.       Number

b.       Name

c.       Item

4.       Available Footer

a.        Number/ID, Show in Footer=T

5.       Save and Run

6.       On the footer, Number/ID, Type in the sales order number

7.       Result: Only information pertaining to the sales order you selected will appear.


Continuing with the above example. For instance, customer wants to look at orders for Customer ABCDEF.

8.       Available Footer

a.       Customer Fields…Name/ID

Upon previewing the search, Name/ID appears on the footer. Type in ABCDEF. It will throw all orders for customer ABCDEF. Try to type in ABC. It will show all customers with names starting with ABC.


Note: Use the ID of the transaction or the record you are using in order for it to be a type in field and not a drop down list on Available Filter Footers.



Item: Item Fields…Name

Vendor: Vendor Fields…Name/ID

PO/Check Number: PO/Check ID

Created From Transactions : Created From Fields...Number/ID




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