Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Automatically Email Customers Only When Sales Orders are Created and Fulfilled

For customers to automatically receive email of sales orders only when created and fulfilled, perform the following:

  1. Setup
    • Navigate to Setup > Company > Email Preferences.
    • On Transactions section, check CUSTOMER DEFAULT TO EMAIL TRANSACTIONS.
    • Click Save.
    • Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Customers.
    • Click Edit next to the customer record
    • Click Preferences tab, uncheck EMAIL in the SEND TRANSACTIONS VIA section.
    • Click Save.
  2. Customize Sales Order Form and Cash Sales Or Invoice form
    • Cash Sales or Invoice Form
      • Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
      • Click Customize or Edit next to the related Invoice or Cash Sales Form.
      • On Screen Fields tab and Messages subtab, set To be E-mailed to Unchecked under CHECK BOX DEFAULT.
      • Click Save.
    • Sales Order Form
      • Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
      • Click Customize or Edit next to the related Sales order form.
      • On Screen Fields tab and Messages subtab, set To be E-mailed to Checked under CHECK BOX DEFAULT.
      • Click Save.

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