Saturday, September 8, 2018

Advanced Search is Unavailable When Creating a Static Group

• When creating a static group and hitting 'Add Search' button, the user, most of the time is given an option to select the search type then upon selection, is forwarded to an existing search form wherein the filters are already set and user just needs to fillup values for the fields and hit Submit and Search button. 
• Some users prefer being able to control on what fields/filters will be used when adding search in static group.

1. Take note of the static group type to create. For example, if it is a contact static group then go to Lists > Relationships > Contacts > Search 
2. The settings in the search page that you will see will apply when creating static group and using Add with Search button. 
3. Enable Use Advanced Search checkbox if you want to be able to set the criteria when creating a static group and clicking Add with Search button. 
4. After enabling Use advance search, you may now proceed on creating a static group. Go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New

Kind of Group: Static

Kind of Members: Contact

Hit Continue. 

Hit 'Add with Search Button'

Select contact

*Notice that you will now be able to select which fields will be set as filters. For other member types (customers, employees, follow the same steps, just go to the list>relationship >entity > search path and enable Use Advanced Search) 

To set the advanced search created above as a default, below are the settings that need to be made in the search:
1. Mark the Public = T 
2. Navigate to Roles Tab, mark the checkbox under Form column for one of the roles (Ex. Administrator) to set this as the preferred search form
3. Click Save.

Note: Repeat the same steps if the Advance Search option is not available when creating other entity groups such as Contact, Employee, Partner and Vendor. 
A preferred search form which uses Advanced Search has to be set for any entity records.  

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