Friday, September 7, 2018

Add a correct Website Address (url) in Customer Record where is Person = false

Web Address field can be populated in WS by concatenating the original url by 'http://' +actual url or 'https://' + actual URL.

Sample SOAP Request and Response:

SOAP Request:

         <platformMsgs:record xsitype="s0:Customer">

SOAP Response:

      <platformMsgs:documentInfo xmlns:platformMsgs="">
      <addResponse xmlns="">
            <status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore="" />
            <baseRef internalId="495" type="customer" xsitype="RecordRef"
              xmlns:platformCore="" />


But why is it that 'Web Address' accepts just simple in the User Interface, why is there a need to concatenate it with either http:// or https:// if populated via WS?

  • Plain and simple. There is an internal Field Changed script that triggers whenever Web Address field is populated in the UI, it adds http:// to every URL that starts with www and just allow urls that start with https:// or http://

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