Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Account Register Displays No Data Available but Cannot be Deleted.

The Account cannot be deleted because it is associated to a record. Consider to revisit the following:

  • Expense Category: Check the Expense account dropdown if the account to be deleted has been selected.

    • Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories
  • Payment method: Check the Deposit to account dropdown if the account to be deleted has been selected.
    • Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists
    • On the footer, set Type to Payment Method
    • Click View on each payment method to check the Deposit To account.
  • If the account type is Bank, on the Online Bill Pay screen, check the Bank Account dropdown if the account to be deleted has been selected.
    • Setup > Accounting > Online Bill Pay
  • Check if there are items that have used the account on the COGS, Income and Asset Account fields.
    • Lists > Accounting > Items
    • Click Basic tab
  • Memorized transactions also affect the account. You will not be able to delete the account if this has been used in a memorized transaction even if no transaction has yet been executed/created in the system. To see if the account is associated to a memorized transaction create a Memorized transaction saved search.
    • Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New
    • Click Memorized Transaction
    • On the Criteria tab add the filter Transaction fields... > Account > select account you are trying to delete.


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