Tuesday, September 11, 2018

1099 Amounts Are Showing Under Excluded Payments

The Amounts showing under the Excluded Payments Column of the Form 1099-MISC reflects payments made.  A possible cause is no 1099 Misc Category is assigned to the expense account used.

To view, navigate to Reports > Sales Tax US > Form 1099-MISC > amounts are showing under the Excluded Payments.

In order to correct this, user needs to make sure that the Expense Accounts associated to the payments made to the vendors have a 1099-MISC Category specified in the Account record.

1. Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Accounts or Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts
2. Click Edit next to the Expense Account

Note: Edit link is available if Report Style checkbox found at the bottom-left footer of the list is not marked.
3. On the Account screen, choose the applicable 1099 box next to the 1099-MISC Category field
4. Click Save
5. The amounts in your 1099 form will now show up under Reports > Sales Tax US > Form 1099 MISC > 1099-MISC Payments column



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