Duration: 5 minutes
For Reference Checkout version 2.0 (Bundle ID:41420) and version 2.02 (Bundle ID: 49333), users can switch from the default three-step Checkout process to the One-Page Checkout process by following these steps:1. Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet, then open this folder: Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. - Checkout 2.02.0 > Reference Checkout.
Note: For Reference Checkout 2.0, the SSP Application folder to navigate to is Netsuite Inc. - Checkout.
2. Copy the files listed below from the Reference Checkout application folder to their corresponding folders in the Custom Checkout application folder: /js/src/app/Configuration.js
3. Navigate to Documents > Files > File Cabinet, then open this folder: Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. - Checkout 2.02.0 > Custom Checkout > js > src > app. Click Edit next to the Configuration.js file, and click the Edit link in the file record.
4. Search for this comment in the code: /* the normal three step checkout */
5. Below this comment is the code which displays Reference Checkout as a three-step Checkout process.
6. Enclose the entire code in an HTML comment tag (/* {code} */) to comment out the entire code.
/* , checkoutSteps: [
name: _('Shipping').translate()
] */
7. Next, search for this comment in the code: /* The One Page Checkout Scenario */
8. Below this comment is the code which displays Reference Checkout as a One-Page Checkout process.
9. Remove the HTML comment tags which encloses this entire code.
, checkoutSteps: [
name: _('Place Order').translate()
, steps: [
10. Click Save to save the changes to the file.
- In order for the customization to take effect, make sure that the Custom Checkout 2.02.0 SSP application has precedence over the Reference Checkout 2.02.0 SSP application. If Reference Checkout 2.0 is used, make sure that the Custom Checkout SSP application has precedence over the Reference Checkout SSP application.
- Kindly refer to the article, Changing SSP Application Precedence (Answer ID: 27494) for the steps.
- Depending on the Reference Checkout version used, make sure the Custom Checkout Touch Points are deployed in the web store.
- Kindly refer to the article, Deploying an SSP Application to Your Site (Answer ID: 27503) for steps on how to deploy the Touch Points to the web store.