Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Search/Report To Show Items without Purchasing and Sales Transactions

A. Create Saved Searches:

I. Search that will show all the items in your account:

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Item
2. On the 'Results' sub tab, select:
Name | Summary Type = Group
3. Fill in an appropriate Title for the Search.
4. Click on 'Save & Run' button.

II. Search that will show items with purchasing and sales transactions:

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Item
2. On the Saved Item Search page > Criteria subtab, select 'Transaction Fields...'
3. On the 'Transaction Filter' popup, select 'Type'.
4. On the popup, select:
Type = 'any of'
- Choose all the transaction types that is in line with purchasing and sales transactions:
Cash Sale
Item Fulfillment
Item Receipt
Purchase Order
Sales Order

5. Click on Set.
6. On the 'Results' sub tab, select:
Name | Summary Type = Group

7. Fill in an appropriate Title for the Search.
8. Click on 'Save & Run' button.

B. Your next step is to export both saved searches in excel and use VLOOKUP formula.

For illustration (in excel):

1. Copy and paste the results of both searches in one worksheet.

Column A (Search I) | Column B (Search II) | Column C (Select a Formula)



2. Then use filter in Column C, select only those lines with '#N/A'.

Column A will show you then items without purchasing and sales transactions.


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