SAXParseException error when getting the values of an object sent through a SOAP request via Suitelet
When creating an XML for a SOAP request that will be sent via a Suitelet, refrain from using '<' and '>' when writing elements.
Doing so will result to the following errors:
• soapenv:Server.userExceptionorg.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Reference is not allowed in
• [#document: null]
Note: The errors specified will only fire if the nlobjResponse object returned by nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback, httpMethod) is used. Otherwise, the request will simply not work.
var reqObj = nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback, httpMethod);
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', 'reqObj body = ' , reqObj.getBody());
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', 'reqObj toXML = ' , nlapiStringToXML(reqObj));
This is due to the XML being parsed in such a way that NetSuite does not accept. To remedy this, use '<' and '>' instead.
Disclaimer: SaxParseException can be thrown due to different factors. This article simply states one possible factor and its solution.
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