Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Project > Communication tab > Email > Recipient's Email's field > Populate the email address of the project's primary contact

Currently, when the user goes to the Project record > Communication tab and clicks on the 'Email' button, the Email Address' field is blank. Some users would want this to field to auto-populate the email address of the Primary Contact attached to the Project record as seen under the 'Relationship's tab of the Project record.

1. Copy the following script and save it as a JavaScript (JS) file.


2. Login to NetSuite and navigate to  Customization > Scripting > Scripts > New > User Event.
3. Give the script a name.
4. On the 'Script File' field, upload the JS file created in step number 1.
5. Indicate the function name ''setRecEmailAddress" on the "Before Load Function" field.
6. Hit on Save.
7. Click on 'Deploy Script'.
8. Select 'Message' on 'Applies To' field.
9. Set the 'Status' to 'Released' and check on 'All Roles' checkbox.

Note: This is the alternate solution to Enhancement 258510: Project > Email > New Email Message pop up > auto-populate the Email Address by the email of the Contact on the Project.

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