This alert is being displayed if the Expense Limit of the Employee who enters the Expense Report is lower than the amount of Expense Report being entered and the Expense Report Approver has an Expense Approval Limit lower than the amount of Expense Report.
Option 1:
Increase the Expense Approval Limit of the Expense Approver
1. Navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees.
2. Click the Edit link next to the name of the Expense Approver.
3. Under the Human Resources tab, modify the amount on the Expense Approval Limit field and enter an amount equal to or higher than the amount of expenses to be entered.
4. Click Save.
Option 2:
Employee can enter the Expense Report in partial amounts so that each Expense Report's total amount is equal to or lesser than the Expense Approval Limit of the Expense Approver.
Option 3:
Change the Expense Approver of the Employee and select someone with enough approval Limit.
1. Navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees.
2. Click the Edit link next to the name of the Employee that will enter the Expense Report.
3. Under the Human Resources tab, change the name on the Expense Approver dropdown.
4. Click Save.
After doing any of the options above, the Employee can log back in using the Employee Center report and enter an Expense Report.
Note: These three options are also applicable for Supervisors. Expense Reports are routed to Supervisors only if the Expense Approver field is blank.
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