Whenever a period is set to a Fiscal year or Quarter you can only delete the periods if the subperiods under them have no transactions or if the subperiods under them can be deleted.
In cases where Delete is unavailable under More Options, you should create a dummy subperiod within the Quarter or Year you wish to delete.
The Delete should now be available and deleting the Quarter or Fiscal year would also delete the dummy subperiod.
For example:
Accidentally created period Q4 Period under Fiscal Year 2018. When selecing that period on an Edit Mode, More Options>Delete is not available.
To resolve such concern:
1. Navigate to Set up> Accounting>Manage Accounting Period
2. Click the drop down button for New Year Only, select Base Period
3. Set the following:
- Period Name= Q4 Base Period (any name would do)
- Start Date= 10/1/2018
- End Date= 10/1/2018
- Sub- Period of= Q4 2018
4. Click Save.
5. Going back to Navigate to Set up > Accounting>Manage Accounting Period > Q4 2018
*The More Options > Delete should now be available.
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