When updating an SSP template file by going to Documents >Files > File Cabinet > Web Site Hosting Files >Custom SSP Application Folder > Custom templates folder > edit a template > change the tag field > save the template, users might see that any changes made to the tags do not get saved.
Note: Replace Custom templates folder and Custom SSP Application with the custom SSP templates folder name and Custom SSP Application name respectively.
One of the possible reasons for this could be that the custom templates folder does not follow a proper hierarchical structure. Make sure that the following two conditions are met:
1. The Custom Templates folder is of type : SuiteCommerce Advanced Site Templates. In case, there is no tags field for a template file, this is the first thing you should check. Only folders of type SuiteCommerce Advanced Site Templates can have template files with tags.
2. The Custom Templates folder is under a Custom SSP Application folder that is under SSP Applications (that is, SSP Applications > Custom SSP Application Publisher Folder > Custom SSP Application folder> Custom Templates folder ) and not a just a simple Folder.
To check if a custom folder is an SSP Application folder or a simple folder,go to the Application Publisher folder and at the bottom check if the 'SSP Application' dropdown contains the name of the custom folder.
For example:
1. Create a Custom folder named 'SSP' under Documents >Files > File Cabinet > Web Site Hosting Files.
2. In the SSP folder , create a new SSP Application named 'My Custom SSP App'. Specify the Application publisher as 'My Custom SSP Publisher'
3. Notice that the following hierarchy will be created under Web Site Hosting Files:
SSP > SSP Applications > My Custom SSP Publisher > My Custom SSP App
4. Create a new Custom SSP templates folder named 'My Custom Templates' of type 'SuiteCommerce Advanced Site Templates' under My Custom SSP App.
5. Now Add a text file by clicking Add File under 'My Custom Templates' , edit the file and add a tag to it. You will see that the tag gets saved when you save the file. This is because the 'My Custom Templates' folder follows the right hierarchy.
To check if a custom folder is an SSP Application folder or a simple folder,go to the Application Publisher folder(My Custom SSP Publisher) and at the bottom check if the 'SSP Application' dropdown contains the name of the custom folder.
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