- NetSuite page (upper right hand corner of the NetSuite page).
- Employee List under Supervisor column.
To resolve this:
1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
2. Entities tab > Employees:
-- Enable = True
-- Allow Override = True
-- Update = False
-- Save
3. Click Edit on the employee record.
4. On the Employee ID field, enter any number (e.g. 1).
5. Save
6. Navigate back to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
7. Entities tab > Employees:
-- Enable = False
-- Allow Override = False
-- Update = False
-- Save
Note: The steps above will turned it back to it's original setting. This will not affect other existing employee records.
8. Click Edit on the employee record.
9. Uncheck then Check the Auto checkbox.
Note: The Employee ID will auto populate with the employee name.
10. Save.
If Supervisor name still appears twice on Employee List even after performing the steps above, we need to check if a Customer or Vendor Center access is provided on the Employee record.
1. View the Employee Record.
2. Navigate to Access Tab > Roles Subtab.
If Customer or Vendor Center access is provided for this Employee, here are the additional steps:
1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
2. Entities tab:
-- Type = Customer/Vendor
-- Enable = F
-- Allow Override = F
-- Update = False
3. Click Save.
4. Click Edit on the employee record.
5. Uncheck then Check the Auto checkbox.
6. Click Save.
7. Navigate back to the Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.
8. On the Entities tab > Customer/Vendor, Enable = True
9. Save.
Note: This is filed as an Enhancement request 230088 - "Lists>Employees>Employees>Employee Name appears twice in the Name field and supervisor field."
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