Thursday, March 14, 2019

Standard Cost Revaluation > Error Message "A Certain Item Record is Inactive"

One or more Assembly Item is associated to a component that is set as Inactive.  The reason behind this is because in recording a Standard Cost Revaluation of an Assembly Item; the system will also consider the components that are associated.

The system does not allow posting of financial Inventory Revaluation transactions for Inactive Items.  This is discussed in Enhancement 248852: Lists>Accounting>Revalue Standard Cost Inventory - Support the ability to post financial inventory revaluation transactions related to an inactive inventory item

In order to record Standard Cost Revaluations for these Assembly Items with inactive components; the user may have (3) options:

a. Remove the inactive components associated with Assembly Items.

b. Instead of inactivating the items; either manually set an Obsolete Date for these components you no longer intend to use in Assembly Items or

c. Utilize the Revision Control feature in the system to set these components as obsolete so the latter items will no longer form part in subsequent assembly builds.  The latter is an ideal process if the objective is to maintain a history of the components used in the Assembly Item and one or more components are no longer used in Assembly Builds


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