Prior to import, check the item record and related item demand plan and take note of the following:
1. The item is not inactive
2. Replenishment method is set to Time Phased
3. The item demand plan has the same View (Month, Weekly, Daily, etc.) Note that the system only allows for one demand plan per item per location. If you need to update current demand plan, edit the demand plan on file by navigating to Transactions > Demand Planning > Item Demand Plans > Edit the item plan > At the table headings look for view and set to preferred based on import data. Hit Save.
1. Navigate to Set Up > Import/Export > Import CSV Records
2. At the Scan & Upload CSV File window, enter the following:
-----a. Import Type: Transactions
-----b. Record Type: Item Demand Plan
-----c. CSV Files: Mark One File to Upload and click Select to choose file to be imported.
-----d. Hit Next.
3. At the Data Handling Window, select Add or Update. Hit Next.
4. At the Field Mapping window, expand the folders under the NetSuite fields in preparation for mapping:
-----a. Click the (+) sign at the end of Item Demand Plan Demand Planning Folder until the target number of quantity/start date to be entered (based on CSV import columns). For the sample I attached where in 7 references are entered, the folders under the Item Demand Plan Demand Planning should also be up to 7 (Item Demand Plan Demand Planning 7 folder). For weekly views, 53 or 54 folders will be generated depending on the number of weeks for the year.
-----b. Click each numbered subfolder to display mapping fields. Click Quantity for each folder. This will display a message "When you map field Quantity (Req) for sublist item demand plan, Demand Planning XX, you must map all required fields in the sublist. Do you want to continue?" Click OK.
5. Still at the field mapping window, map the file import fields vs. NetSuite import fields.
-----a. Weekly (click on pencil icon) ----- Demand: View (Req)
-----b. Internal ID ------ Internal ID (for updates)
-----c. Item ----- Demand: Item (Req)
-----d. Warehouse (Location) ----- Demand: Location (Req)
-----e. Start Date (Main) ----- Demand: Plan Start Date (Req)
-----f. Year ----- Demand: Year
-----g. QTY 1 ----- Demand Planning 1: Quantity (Req)
Start Date 1 ----- Demand Planning 1: Start Date (Req)
-----h. QTY 2 ----- Demand Planning 2: Quantity (Req)
Start Date 2 ----- Demand Planning 2: Start Date (Req)
*** Note: Continue doing steps g and h until you map all sublist/numbered folders.
6. At the Saved Mapping and Start Import window, enter the Import name (for future imports of the same nature)
7. Click Save and Run. You will now be redirected to another window. Click on the "Import Job Status" link to be directed to the status window.
8. To verify successful imports (if data have been correctly imported, go back to the Item Demand Plan by navigating to Transactions > Demand Plan > Item Demand Plans )
I have resently set the demand planning up in our netsuite account, upon trying to csv upload any demand plans though we encounter an error stating subsidiary cannot be null against location stated. We have set the subsidiary on all the rows accordingly but this still fails. would it be possible for someone to publish a CSV template for us ustilise on demand plans.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have an idea on importing CSV to overwrite the ones initially created? This wasn't working for me.