Friday, March 22, 2019

Enter Withholding Tax Code in Transaction > Receive email with Error: INVALID_KEY_OR_REF > Invalid taxcode reference key for subsidiary


·        Create transaction

·        Enter WithholdingTax Code in the transaction

·        Save the transaction

·        Receive email with the following lines:

Bundle Name: Withholding Tax
Script: WT for Accruals
Type: User Event
Function: _4601.accrualUE.beforeSubmit
Invalid taxcodereference key for subsidiary



·        Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Tax Codesand lookup the tax code with the Internal ID/ Reference Key from theerror > Edit

·        Make sure the Tax Code is not Inactive

·        Unmark Exclude from VAT Reports

·        Click the Save button

·        Recreate the transaction with the Withholding Tax Code and normal Tax Code/Tax Group


1 comment:

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