received the single-use promo code.
An alternate solution is to create a Coupon Code Saved Search and expose the Search as Sublist on the Entity Record. Solution involves the following:
I. Create a Custom Subtab
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Subtabs.
2. Click Entity tab.
3. Enter value on the Title column (e.g. Coupon Codes Assigned).
4. Click Add and then Save.
1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Select Coupon Code as Search Type.
3. Enter value for Search Title (e.g. Emailed Single use promo codes).
4. Mark search as Public and Available as Sublist View.
5. Under Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields:
- Promotion
- ID
- Code
- Recipient
- Use Count
- Used
6. Under Available Filters tab, add the Recipient and mark Show In Footer.
7. Click Save and Run.
III. Create Sublist
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Sublist.
2. Click Entity tab.
3. Under Search column, select Saved search created in Step II.
4. Under Label column, enter value for Label (e.g. Promo Codes).
5. Under Tab column, select the Subtab created in Step I.
6. Mark check box under Customer Column.
7. Click Done.
8. Click Save.
Note: This will expose the single-use Coupon Codes that were sent via Campaign on the Customer Record.
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