Monday, March 18, 2019

Deduction or Company Contribution is missing on the Pay Payroll Liabilities screen

For NetSuite Payroll users, payment of payroll deductions and company contributions are the employer's responsibility.


If Third Party Liabilities are not showing in the Pay Payroll Liabilities screen, one possible cause is Tax Agency is not setup on the Payroll Item record.


To correct the set-up, edit the Payroll Item to set the Tax Agency:

1.      Navigate to Lists > Employees > Payroll Items

2.      Edit the Deduction or Company Contribution payroll item

3.      In the Agency field, select the appropriate vendor or agency where the deduction or company contribution is paid to


Note: Select New to create a new vendor. Fill out all applicable fields, ensure Tax agency is selected as Category and click Save.


4. Click Save
5. Sync the updates done into the payroll tax engine through the Update Payroll Information screen

a. Navigate to Setup > Payroll > Update Payroll Information

b. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, select a subsidiary from the dropdown list in the   Subsidiary field
c. Click the Agree checkbox
d. Click Commit Updates

      e. Navigate to the To Resolve tab to check for errors and resolve, if any


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