Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Add Reports tab to Roles with Center Type is System Administrator Center

Steps to Reproduce:
A. Create a custom role:
Option 1:
1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
2. Click Customize link for System Administrator role.
3. Click on Permissions > Reports.
4. Add Support permission.
5. Enter a name in the Name field.
6. Save.

Option 2:
1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New.
2. Set the Center Type to System Administrator Center.
3. Click on Permissions > Reports.
4. Add Support permission.
5. Enter a name in the Name field.
6. Save.

B. Add the role to an employee record that has access to NetSuite.
1. Navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees.
2. Edit the Employee record.
3. Click the Access tab.
4. Add the role under the Roles tab.
5. Save.

C. Login as an employee and switch to the role.

Result: The Reports tab is not available even after adding multiple reports permissions.

1. Login as Administrator.
2.  Navigate to Customization > Centers and TabsCenter Tabs > New.
3. Enter a name of the tab. Ex. Reports
4. Select System Administrator Center in the Center field.
5. Enter a Category Name in the Categories tab. (User may enter multiple categories depending on the group of reports that the role should have access to.) For testing purposes, enter Customer Service under the Name column of Categories tab.
6. Click on the Audience tab.
7. Select the custom System Administrator Center role in the Roles box.
8. Save.
9. Click the Edit link of the Customer Service category.
10. Select the Reports that should show under Customer Service category under the Link column on Values tab. (Ex. Open Case Analysis, Closed Case Analysis, etc)
11. Click Save.

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