Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Access Item records on Sales Order using Client Script in Customer Center

These instructions allow you to access fields on the item records of items on a sales order using a client script.  Trying to reference one directly will generate a permission error related to "Lists -> Items". It isn't possible to give a Customer Center role permission to view Item records so instead create a hidden Customer Transaction Column field and then reference that.

1. Create a custom field. Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Column Field

   -For the Type select the Type for the field you want to reference in your script.  Eg for Date Created use the Type Date.

  -In the Sourcing & Filtering tab set Source List = Item and then set Source From equal to the field you want to reference in your script (Eg Date Created)

  -In Display tab set Display Type = Hidden


2. Reference the new custom field in your client script. Example where custbody1 is the internal id of the field created in step 1:

var record = nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder', nlapiGetRecordId());
var rec = record.getLineItemValue('item','custcol1',1);

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