Thursday, February 21, 2019

Search to Show When Orders are Approved and Created

Search to show when orders are approved and when projects are created specially if item used is marked to Create Job

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction.
2. Under Criteria tab > Standard sub tab, set the following:

Type is Sales Order
Main Line is False
COGS Line is False
Shipping Line is False
Tax Line is False

3. Under Results tab > Columns sub tab, set the following:

Number > set Summary Type to Group
Job Fields... > set to Date Created > set Summary Type to Group
Formula (Date) > set Summary Type to Group > Formula:

case when {systemnotes.type} = 'Change' and {systemnotes.field} = 'Document Status' and {systemnotes.oldvalue} = 'Pending Approval' and {systemnotes.newvalue} = 'Pending Fulfillment' then {} end

4. Enter Search Title.
5. Click Save & Run.

This works for:
1. Service Items.
2. On Item Record, Related Records tab > Projects sub tab > Create Job = T
3. If Set Up > Company >Enable Features > Transactions > Advanced Shipping = T
- On the Item Record, Preferences Tab > Can be Fulfilled/Received = T
4.If Set Up > Company >Enable Features > Transactions > Advanced Shipping = F
- you may change Formula to:

case when {systemnotes.type} = 'Change' and {systemnotes.field} = 'Document Status' and {systemnotes.oldvalue} = 'Pending Approval' and {systemnotes.newvalue} = 'Pending Billing' then {} end

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