Monday, February 25, 2019

Saved Search to Show Differences on Amounts from Sales Orders to the related Invoice or Cash Sale

There could be instances where we may bill a customer more or less than the amount that was on the sales order. Creating a Transaction Saved Search will give us a list of those sales orders and their related billed amounts.


1. Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.

2. Select Transaction from the list.

3. Entered a title for the search.

4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, set the following filters:

--- Type = is Sales Order

--- Account Type = is Income

--- Date = is within this fiscal year

--- Billing Status = is Closed

--- Status = is not Sales Order: Cancelled

5. In the Results tab > Columns subtab:

--- Number > Summary Type = Group

--- Amount > Summary Type = Sum > Custom Label = Sales Order Amount

--- Billing Transaction: Amount > Summary Type = Sum > Custom Label = Invoice/Cash Sales Amount

--- Formula (Currency) > Summary Type = Sum > Formula = {amount}+{billingamount} > Custom Label = Variance

6. In the Available Filters tab > add Date in the Filter column > Show in Footer column must be checked.

7. Hit Save and Run.

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