Thursday, February 7, 2019

Revert to Custom Record List Default view when an error is triggered by a Custom view.

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Record Types.
2. View the List of any record type that is not getting an error.
3. Select Default in the View field.
4. Click Customize View, add some random fields under the Results tab

5. Enter a Search Title.

6. Click Save.
7. In the custom record list page, the View is now set to Custom Default.  Switch back to Default view.
8. Copy the URL in the browser address bar then paste it on a text editor like Notepad.
9. In the URL locate Where xxx is the internal ID of the custom record.

10. Replace this with the internal ID of the custom record that is encountering the error.
11. Paste the URL on the error page and the View will revert to Default.

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