Saturday, February 2, 2019

Multiple Shipping Routes in OneWorld: Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order > Enable Item Line Shipping = True – Addresses from countries outside the customer's subsidiary country not showing in the Ship To dropdown.

Basically,if the user enters a Sales Order and the Enable Line Item Shipping is notchecked, he'll be able to see all the addresses in the Ship To select (Addresstab). Because he can assign only one address per transaction, the NetSuite willnot restrict him from selecting any of the addresses in the customer record. Onthe other hand, if the Enable Line Item Shipping is marked as TRUE, the onlyshipping addresses available on the list are from: 

1. Country in theentity's subsidiary. 
2. Countries thatdon't belong to any nexus.

As per ourQuality Assurance and Development Team, it is not yet possible to ship tomultiple nexuses as this would create tax accounting issues. This feature iscurrently tagged as an Enhancement Request and perhaps will be available in thefuture release. (See Issue 184029)

The alternatesolution provided is to create separate customer record for each nexus. Exampleif the Account has a customer in its US Subsidiary with multiple addresses inthe US, UK and Philippines, the user will need to create three customer recordsfor the 3 different nexuses. With this scenario, he can create one (1) SalesOrder for multiple shipments in the UK but will have to create a separate SalesOrder for items to be shipped to the US and another one (1) for shipments tothe Philippines. This means the user can create a Sales Order shipped tomultiple addresses within the country of the subsidiary assigned to thecustomer record.  

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