Sunday, February 10, 2019

Import Customer's Secondary Currencies in the Currency tab

Business Use Case:

User just Imported New Customer Records in NetSuite but was only able to assign Primary Currency to the records. User wants to add multiple Alternative Currencies in bulk.

This Secondary Currencies information will be found in the Customer Record>Financial>Currencies Tab.


A. Prepare the CSV File which contains the Customer Record (Internal ID) or Company Name and the Alternative Currencies.

Example of CSV File Template:

Internal ID (of the Customer)        Currencies

1000                                               Euro
1000                                               GBP
1000                                          Philippine Peso
1001                                               Euro
1001                                               GBP
1001                                          Philippine Peso

*In this example, assume that USD is the Primary Currency of the Customer Records and they are already assigned in the record during initial import.

B. CSV Import Process

- Navigate to Setup>Import/Export>Import CSV Records
- Import Type-Relationships; Record Type-Customer Only
- Upload the CSV File
- Click Next
- Data Handling-Update
- Click Next
- In the Field mapping Page, match the following fields: 
    Internal ID - Internal ID 
    Currencies - Currencies 1 : Currency
- Click Next
- Set an Import Map Name (optional)
- Save and Run


Those 2 Customer Records would now have these three Currencies (Euro, GBP, Philippine Peso) added under Financial>Currencies tab while retaining USD as the Primary Currency.




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