Monday, February 18, 2019

Get list of employees who didn't logged into NS within defined period of time (last 5 days)

Create a saved search on Employee to get list of employees who didn't log into NetSuite within defined period of time (last 5 days):


Navigate to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New

-click on Employee

-Give title to the search 'Search Title'= name for the search

-Criteria > Standard subtab:

-- Filter: Login Audit Trail Fields: Date | Description: is Empty

-Criteria > Summary subtab:

- Summary Type: Maximum | Field: Login Audit Trail : Date | Description: is on or before 5 days ago

-Results tab:

--Sort by: Name

--Field: Name | Summary Type: Group

--Field: Email

--Field: Login Audit Trail Fields: Date | Summary Type: Maximum


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