Friday, February 15, 2019

Display Lead Source on Projects/Jobs

Lead Source
defines how new leads, prospects, customers and contacts come to the company. A custom field can be created so a similar field appears on jobs/projects. Follow the steps below to create a custom Lead Source field that:

  • copies the parent's Lead Source
  • allows this initial value to be changed in the project/job, if needed

1. Login as Administrator.
2. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
3. Provide a Label.
4. Set Type to List/Record.
5. In the List/Record field, select Campaign.
6. Mark the Store Value checkbox.
    Note: This allows users to change the initial Lead Source value from the parent record, if needed.
7. Under Applies To tab, mark the Job or Projects checkbox.
8. Under Display tab, set Subtab to Main.
9. Under Sourcing & Filtering tab,set the following:
    Source List = Parent
    Source From = Lead Source
10. Click Save.


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