1. Navigate to Reports> Financial > Income Statement
2. Click on Customize
3. Click on Edit Layout
4. On the Layout portlet, click on Cost of Sales section then on Account section portlet set Group by = Department and Then by = Account. Ensure the criteria filter set for the account type = Cost of Goods Sold.
5. On the Layout portlet, click on Expense section then on account section portlet set Group by = Department and Then by = Account. Ensure the criteria filter is set for Account type = Expense. On the account section portlet, click on Edit Criteria and add Filter Department name= is none of ( is not) , select the department you would like to moved to Cost of Sales totals.
6. On the Layout portlet, click to highlight Cost of Sales section and click Add Row/Section dropdown and select Add New Financial Section row . Rename New section label ( e.g Dept. cost of sales operating expenses). Set Group by = Department and Then by = Account. Set its Criteria filters as follows :
Account Type = is Expenses
Department name (any of ) is = select the department you have excluded on step #5
-- Click on Format subtab> Check the Reverse sign box on Account row totals
7. On the layout portlet, click to highlight the new expense section created and Click Add Row/Section dropdown and select Add New Header/Summary section row . Rename New Header label ( e.g New cost of sales with departmental operating expenses). Rename Summary as as what you renamed the header label. Ensure that Child of = Ordinary Income/Expense.
8. Click on Cost of Sales Section and set Child of = to the new header/summary section created in step #7 ( e.g. New cost of sales with departmental operating expenses)
9. Click on new expense section created on step #6 and set Child of = to the new header/summary section created in step #7 ( e.g new cost of sales with departmental operating expenses).
10. Click on New Header/Summary section created on step 7( Total cost of sales with departmental operating expenses) . On summary row calculation select Dynamic Total: Sum all rows within this header and set the following
line 1 Type = Row> Value = Cost of Sales
line 2 Type = Row > Value = Dept. cost of sales operating expenses (-- the new expense section creaed in step 6)
11. Click on Gross profit section. On Formula, change line 2 as Type = Row > Value =New New cost of sales with departmental operating expenses (-- the new header/summary section created in step 7)
12. Rename the report.
13. Click Save and Run.
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