Friday, February 15, 2019

Customer > Show Activity Window Shows Case with No Time Stamp

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Lists > Support > Cases > New.
2. Select Customer in the Company field.
3. Enter Subject.
4. Click Save.
5. Point to More Actions > Click Show Activity.

Result: There are no Activities associated with this record.

6. Click the name of the customer on the Company field.
7. Point to More Actions > Click Show Activity.

Result: The Activity History shows customer history including the blank case but it has no time stamp. Ex:
Title: Case #22 (Open)

Note: If case is closed the Title shows: Case #22 (Closed).

8. On the same customer record, navigate to Support > Cases.
9. Click View History.

Result: It shows all cases including the blank case but it has no time stamp:
Title: Case #22 (Open)

Note: If case is closed the Title shows: Case #22 (Closed).

Reason: Customer > Show Activity and Support > Cases > View History shows activities based {incomingmessage}, {outgoingmessage} & {escalationmessage} fields. If a case does not have anything under Interactions > Messages the case displays with no time stamp on Customer > Show Activity.

Note: If case has user note, event, task or phone call but has empty Interactions > MessagesCase > Show Activity has activity history but Customer > Show Activity and Customer > Support > Cases > View History still shows the case with no time stamp.

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