Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Create a transaction saved search that will show bill payments per period in each column.

Scenario: Customer would like to create a transaction saved search that will show bill payments per period in each columns such as Current Period, 1 Period Ago, 2 Periods ago and so on.  Let say, customer will run the search report from 1/1/2013 to today's date (i.e. 5/10/2013) that will cover the period Jan 2013 to current period of May 2013.

Please note that the Allow Transaction Date Outside of Posting Period = Disallow.


1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Transaction then enter a search title.

2. On the Criteria tab > Standard sub tab, select the following filters:
Type = is Bill Payment
Main Line = is True
Date = is within 1/1/2013 and 5/10/2013

3. Under Results tab, select the following column fields:

-Date l Group
-Period l Group
-Number l Count
-Name l Group
-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),0,{amount}) l Custom Label = Current Period
-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),1,{amount}) l Custom Label = 1 Period Ago
-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),2,{amount}) l Custom Label = 2 Periods Ago
-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),3,{amount}) l Custom Label = 3 Periods Ago
-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),4,{amount}) l Custom Label = 4 Periods Ago

4. Click Preview or Save & Run.

Note: Current Period will be for May 2013 since today's date was set to 5/10/2013. Also, 1 Period Ago was for Apr 2013 and so on.  You can add more Period columns as needed.  Let say, next month (Jun 2013), you will need to add the formula column field below to capture the Jan 2013 period:

-Formula Numeric  | Sum   | DECODE(TO_CHAR({today},'MM') - TO_CHAR({trandate},'MM') + 12*(TO_CHAR({today},'YYYY')-TO_CHAR({trandate},'YYYY')),5,{amount}) l Custom Label = 5 Periods Ago


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