Friday, February 15, 2019

Create a Saved Search that shows the percentage of Estimates that were converted to Sales Orders

To pull up the percentage of Estimates that were converted to Sales Orders, users can create a Transaction Saved Search with the following settings:

1. Navigate to List > Search > Saved Searches > New > Select Transaction.
2. Under the Criteria tab > Standard subtab add the following fields:

  • Main Line = True
  • Type =  Sales Orders

3. Under the Results tab > Column subtab, add the following fields:

  • Field = Document Number
  • Summary Type = Count

  • Field = Formula (Numeric)

  • Summary Type = Sum

  • Formula = NVL2({createdfrom}, 1,0)

  • Field = Formula (Percent)

  • Summary Type = Maximum

  • Formula = SUM(NVL2({createdfrom},1,0))/COUNT({number})

4. Click Save&Run


Note: The third field pulls up the percentage of Estimates with Sales Orders.

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