Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Create a Case Saved Search to List Number of Cases per Month based on Case Priority

Create a Case Saved Search to list number of cases per month based on Case Priority and show results as
Trend Graph (Low, Medium, Urgent):

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Select Case as Search Type.
3. Enter value for Search Title field (e.g. Cases By Priority).
4. Under Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add filters if necessary.
5. Under Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields:

Priority (Summary Type = Group)
Number (Summary Type = Count)

6. Select Graph as Output Type.
7. Mark as Public and Available As Dashboard View so user can add the Case Saved Search on Dashboard Portlet (Custom Search).
8. Under Available Filters tab, add Date Created and mark Show in Footer.
9. Click Save and Run

User is now able to see Bar Graph of the number of Cases based on Priority. Select a Date Range from the footer to see cases by the specified date.

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