Thursday, February 21, 2019

Blank Cases created in NetSuite through Inbound Case Capture

When a case is created using Inbound Case Capture, the created case is blank but looking at the original email, it contains information.

This happens when the originating email is a multi-part email. To illustrate, below is an example of a multi-part email based on a sample header:

  To, From...
  Content-Type: multipart/alternative; --indicates that there will be more versions of the text
  boundary="----=_Part_389_2074996599.1362685459672" --boundary string defined
------=_Part_389_2074996599.1362685459672 --start text part
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  <place for the text message: here EMPTY>
 ------=_Part_389_2074996599.1362685459672 --end text part / start formatted part
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
  <HTML formatted message>
 ------=_Part_389_2074996599.1362685459672 --end formatted part

For a multi-part email, NetSuite picks up the plain text part of the message. Some email programs have the plain text part blank therefore creating a blank case.

Enhancement 251209 requests for the feature to pick up the formatted part in the absence of the plain text part in a multi-part email.

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