Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Workflow Action - Go To Record: Sending ID Values from Record to List/Record Field of another record

Scenario: User needs to create a workflow that sends the name/id value of one record to the List/Record field in another record. For example, when creating a new customer record a new Sales Order record pops up, pre-populated with the name of the customer that was just created inside the customer List/Record Field.


The Steps to get that done are:

1.      Create a new workflow:- Customization > Workflow > Workflows > New

    2.  Fill in the workflow details as desire. In this example the fields highlighted in red were edited.


        3.   Click Sate 1. 

        4.   Create a workflow action of type Go To Record.

    5.         Then Add the Record type that you want to go to (Sales Order), then select the field that you want to pre-populate when you go to the record. See the example below. 

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