Sunday, January 27, 2019

Unexpected Error when making Changes to the Custom Item Form

Note : eBizNET bundle 21148 installed.

1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.
2. Edit the custom Inventory Part Form.
3. Click the Move Element Between Subtabs button.
4. Move all fields from the Online Store to any other tab.
5. Click Save.
6. Save the form, no need to make further changes.

Result: An unexpected error prevents users from saving the form.

The Online Store tab was created when eBizNET bundle 21148 was installed. The bundle will not let the Online Store tab be empty.  If you move all the fields from the Online Store tab to any tab and you try make additional changes to the Item form, you will get the error.

1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Item Fields > New.
2. Set the following field values:
-Type: Free Form Text (any type will do)
-Store Value : False
-Applies to : Inventory Item
-Display tab: Subtab - Online Store.
3. Click Save.
4. Edit the custom Inventory Part Form.
6. Go to the Tab subtab.
5. Uncheck Show for the Online Store tab not to show.
6. Click Save.

Users need to create a dummy custom Item field and put that under the Online Store subtab. Then just hide the tab so that it will not show up on the custom Item form.

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