Monday, January 28, 2019

Send Email to All Active Employees

Create an Employee Search.
  1. List > Search > Saved Searches > New.
  2. Select Employee.
  3. Search Title = All Active Employees.
  4. Set the Criteria Inactive is false.
  5. Save.

Create a Dynamic Group.
  1. List > Relationships > Groups > New.
  2. Select Dynamic.
  3. What kind of members would yo ulike to include? = Employee.
  4. Continue.
  5. Name = All Active Employees.
  6. Saved Search = All Active Employees.
  7. Click Save.

Create a Bulk Mail Merge.
  1. Documents > Mail Merge > Bulk Merge.
  2. Select Email.
  3. Group Type = Employee.
  4. Group = All Active Employees.
  5. Select the Message Tab.
  6. Subject = Anything.
  7. Type your Message.
  8. Click Merge & Send.

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