Friday, January 25, 2019

Saved Search > Show Alt Sales Amount in foreign currency (i.e. JPY, AUD)


·        Base Currency of a Subsidiary= USD

·        Customer from that subsidiary has Primary Currency with zero decimal precision (i.e.JPY)

·        Customer created sales transaction in JPY

·        Amount and Alt Sol = 150 JPY

·        Exchange Rate = 0.00979

·        Navigate to Lists> Search > Saved Searches > New > Transactions

·        Filter the search to just the Internal ID of thetransaction in the Criteria tab >Standard sub tab

·        Set ConsolidatedExchange Rate = None under the Results tab

·        Amount (Alt Sales) in the Results tab > Columnssub tab

·        Preview the search

·        The Amountand Amount (Alt Sales) will show upwith currency = USD

·        Amount = 1.47

·        Amount (Alt Sales) = 1.00 (1.47rounded off)

·        Request to show the Alt Sales Amount entered in the transaction currency (JPY) on a savedsearch




·        Enhancement#314117 was filed for: Alternate Sales Amount> Sales Order SaveSearch > Add an Alternate Sales Amount (in Foreign Currency ) field


·        Asper the documentation found in the SuiteAnswers for Understanding Currency Decimal Precision:

·        Currenciesrequire the use of integers, without decimal fractions. For example, Japaneseyen are usually displayed as ¥123, but not as ¥123.45. For this reason, customer-facingdocuments must display currency amounts in yen using integers.

·        Thisis the reason why the Amount (Alt Sales) seen in the sales transaction form isactually in rounded off figure

·        Onthe other hand, when the same amount field is exposed onsaved searches, this is showing based on a calculation in the decimal precision(2 decimal places) of USD



·        Adda Formula (Currency) in the search to show the Alt Sales Amount entered in the transaction with currency = JPY


({altsalesamount}/{exchangerate})+ (({grossamount}-{altsalesamount})/{exchangerate})



·        Fortransactions with tagged to foreign currencies with two decimal precision, user may use formula:


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