Monday, January 28, 2019

Saved Customer Search that counts the ‘Completed’ Tasks, Phone Calls and ‘Email’ sent per Sales Rep for a given period of time

To create the search, perform the following steps:

1. Navigate to List > Search > Saved Searches > New.

2. Select Customer.

3. Provide a Search Title.

4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, mark Use Expressions and add the following filters:

(( Activity fields : Activity Type is any of Phone Call, Task AND
Activity fields : Status is Completed AND
Activity fields : Date Completed is within this month ) Or
( Messages fields : Type is Email AND
Messages fields : Is Incoming is false AND
Messages fields : Date is within this month ))

5. On the Results tab > Columns subtab, set the following:



Summary Type


Summary Label

Sales Rep



 Sales Rep





Activity : Owner




Activity : Title




Activity : Internal ID




Formula (Numeric)


CASE WHEN {activity.owner} = {salesrep} AND {activity.status} = 'Completed' AND TO_CHAR({},'mm') = TO_CHAR({today},'mm') THEN {activity.internalid} END

# of Completed Tasks and Phone Calls

Messages : Author




Messages : Subject




Messages : Internal ID




Formula (Numeric)


(CASE WHEN {} = {salesrep} AND TO_CHAR({messages.messagedate},'mm') = TO_CHAR({today},'mm') THEN {messages.internalid} END)

# of Sent Emails


6. Click Save & Run.

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