The Terms, Credit Limit and Hold are not controlled by any permission. The Administrator can customize the Customer form and set the Display Type of these fields as Inline Text to prevent the other users from editing the values.
Here are the steps on how to customize the form:
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms.
2. Customize the Customer/Lead/Prospect Form.
3. Navigate to Fields tab > Financial subtab.
4. Set the Display Type of the Terms, Credit Limit and Hold to Inline Text.
Note: In the Roles tab, you can also set this as the Preferred form for the roles which you want these fields to be restricted. On the other hand, if you need to have the Fields available for editing, set the Display Type of Terms, Credit Limit and Hold to Normal. If it still shows uneditable using the custom role, check if they have a script/workflow that has Set Field Display Type Action wherein Terms, Credit Limit and Hold Fields are set to Inline Display Type.
5. Click on Save.
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