Monday, January 28, 2019

Recurring Billing - Step by Step Process on How to Generate New Subscription

1. Create a SubscriptionItem

a. Navigate to Lists> Accounting > Items > New

b. Choose Non-inventoryfor Sale (See Answer ID 21903 :Setting Up Subscription Items for the item types that Recurring BillingSupports)

c. In the CustomForm field, select SubscriptionBilling - Non inventory

d. Enter mandatory fields, like Item Name/Number and TaxSchedule

e. Save

2. Create RatePlan

a. Navigate to SubscriptionBilling > View Records > Rate Plan > New

b. Set the following fields:


-Effectivity Date

-Rating Model


-Usage Rates information

c. Save

d. Click the RequestApproval button.

e. Click the Approvebutton.

Note : Status should be Available for the Rate Plan to be associated with the SubscriptionPlan Item.

3. Create SubscriptionPlan

a. Navigate to SubscriptionBilling > View Records > Subscription Plan > New

b. Enter the necessary details. The following fields arecurrently set as mandatory:


-Lead item (Non-inventory item or Services for Sale). You may select the itemcreated in step 1.

-Billing Mode



-Termination Method

-Start Date


c. Enter info under Renewaltab. This is optional.

d. Save.

Note : You may create a Billing Plan (Subscription Plantemplate) which will be selected in the Template field to lessen manual entry.

4. Create SubscriptionPlan Item

a. In the SubscriptionPlan page (created in step 3) under PlanItems tab, click the NewSubscription Plan Item button.

b. In the NewSubscription Plan Item page, populate the following mandatory fields:

-Item.You may set the same item used in #3 or add a different item. The item selectedhere will define the posting accounts.

-Billing Method

-Billing Frequency

-Charge Type

-Rate Plan

-Rating Frequency


c. Save

Note : You may create a Charge Plan (Subscription PlanItem template) which will be selected in the Template field of to lessen manualentry.

5. User will be routed again to the Subscription Plan page

a. Click the RequestApproval button.

b. Click the Approvebutton.

Note : Status should be Available for the Subscription Plan to be associated with the itemin the subscription plan.

6. Enter SalesOrder

a. Navigate to Transactions> Sales > Enter Sales Orders

b. Select CustomForm = Standard Sales Order

c. Enter Customer.

d. Populate other mandatory fields.

e. Under Itemstab, enter item set in #3 as Lead Item.

f. Set Rate/Amount

g. Check the box under the Configure column

h. In the Configuratorwindow, set the following:

-SubscriptionStart Type






i. Save

j. Add

k. In the SalesOrder page, click the Savebutton

l. Click the Approvebutton.

Result: Subscription should be generated.  

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