Saturday, January 26, 2019

Draw out inventory item for office use

If a user wants to transfer an inventory item as office supplies, he needs to do the following:

A. Create a non-inventory item for purchase.
     1. Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Items > New > Non-Inventory > For Purchase.
     2. Enter the Item Name/Number.
     3. On the Accounting subtab, choose the Expense Account.
     4. Enter values on other fields as required.
     5. Hit Save.

B. Create an inventory adjustment to reduce the quantity and value of the inventory item.
     1. Navigate to Transactions > Inventory > Adjust Inventory.
     2. Enter the Date.
     3. Enter the Adjustment Account. This is usually an expense account.
     4. On the Adjustments portlet, enter the inventory item name to be adjusted.
     6. Choose the Adjustment Location.
     7. On the Adjust Qty By field, enter the quantity to be reduced.
     8. Hit Save.

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