Monday, January 28, 2019

Customize a Saved Search to show the Lead, Prospect and Customer and sort all of the columns according to count.

The behavior of the Saved Search is that it can only sort per field type set as a Column at the Results Tab.

When a field is added more than twice, the sorting would take effect only at the first and last column because it contains the Top and Bottom list since it is considered as one whole list for the field that is being sorted.

In the sample below, Formula (Numeric) field was added multiple times:
1. Create a Customer Saved Search
2. Navigate to Lists > Searches > Saved Searches > New > Customer
3. Set the following settings:
    a. Criteria Tab > Add Filter: Inactive = is False
    b. Results Tab > Sort by = Id > Add Field:
         *  ID
         *  Sales Rep -> Summary Type = Group
         *  Name
         *  Formula (Numeric) -> DECODE ({stage}, 'Lead',1,0)  and  Summary Type = Group
         *  Formula (Numeric) -> DECODE ({stage}, 'Prospect',1,0)  and Summary Type = Group
         *  Formula (Numeric) -> DECODE ({stage}, 'Customer',1,0) and Summary Type = Group
4. Click Preview
5. Click Save
7. Viewing the Saved Search result, sort the list by clicking on the column header. 
6. Formula (Numeric) was added thrice but the sorting would only take effect at the first column (Lead) and the third column (Customer) simply because it contains the top and bottom list.

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