Monday, January 28, 2019

Customer Saved Search that would list customers from United States with no Default Billing Address, no Billing State

Customer Saved Search that would list customers from United States with no Default Billing Address, no Billing State:

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New
2. Select Customer as Search Type
3. Enter value for Search Title (e.g. Customers with No Default Billing Address)
4. Under CriteriaStandard sub tab, add the following filters:

*Default Billing Address = No (false)
*Formula (Text) | Formula = {billcountry} | is United States
To pull up the list of Customers from United States but empty Billing State, add the following filter:

*Formula (Text) | Formula = {billstate} | is empty

5. Under Results tab > Columns sub tab:

*Add Customer fields that you would like to see on the results.
6. Click Save and Run

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