Only a Primary Sales Rep can change the Forecast Type of an Opportunity in Edit Sales Rep Forecast. To allow users to modify the forecast type of the Opportunity on a Forecast, set the Sales Rep as the Primary:
1. Login as the Administrator
2. Go to Transactions > Quota/Forecast > Edit Sales Rep Forecast
3. Select the Employee name at the Sales Rep Field
4. Set the appropriate Start and End Date
5. Click on Save
6. Now, create an Opportunity: Transactions > Sales > Create Opportunities
7. Select a Customer and the appropriate Item
8. On the Sales Tab > Notice that the Customer was assigned to two Sales Rep (X and Y) Y being the Primary Sales Rep
9. Set value to all mandatory fields
10. Save
11. Finally, go back to Transactions > Quota/Forecast > Edit Sales Rep Forecast > List
12. Edit the Sales Rep field and under Opportunities Tab, the Forecast Type is disabled even though the expected close date of the Opportunity is within the reporting period.
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