Friday, January 25, 2019

Ability to show Cost of Components on the Assembly Item Record (Standard Costing)

The ability to customize the Component subtab of the Assembly Item to show the Cost is currently filed as Enhancement# 110714. For Assembly Items that have Costing Method set to Standard Costing, you can go to Lists>Accounting>Planned Standard Cost to know what has been rolled over to your Assembly Item. Another approach is to create a Sublist that shows the Cost of the Components.


A. Create a Saved Search to track Planned Standard Cost of the Components

  1. Navigate to Transactions>Management>Saved Searches>New.
  2. Select Planned Standard Cost.
  3. On the Results tab add Standard Cost Version, Component Item, Cost and Location.
  4. On the Available Filters add Item, Location (Show in Footer is checked) and Standard Cost Version (Show in Footer is checked).
  5. Check the following fields on the header: Public and Available as List View.
  6. Enter a Search Title and hit Save or Save and Run.

B. Create a Sublist

  1. Navigate to Setup>Customization>Sublists.
  2. Navigate to the Item subtab.
  3. On the Search column select the Saved Search created above.
  4. On the Label enter a custom label for the sublist.
  5. Select the Tab where the sublist will show.
  6. Check the Assembly/Bill of Materials box.
  7. Hit Save.


When a user opens the Assembly Item and go to the Sublist, the Component with the Component/Cost/Location/Standard Cost Version will appear. A user can then filter this by Standard Cost Version and Location.


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